Tag: anxiety (Page 1 of 3)

Resisting Life

A Path to Enlightenment – Part 1

The Key to Life

There is a thought that much of our suffering comes from a lack of enlightenment and from resisting life. This is something that really hits home when you think about it.

Life has a natural flow, like a river moving downstream, and when we resist it, when we try to fight against the current, that’s where the struggle begins.

The more we push back against this perceived struggle—whether it’s through holding on to past pain, refusing to accept change, or resisting the reality of our situation—the harder life seems to get. This is a battle we can never win because life is always moving, always changing. Life is bigger than us. However, there is light at the end of a very long tunnel. When we learn to move with life, instead of against it, things start to shift. We may not always get what we want, but the suffering from resistance softens.

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Over the past twenty years or so we have constantly being told that forgiveness is not for “them”, it’s for “us”, for ourselves to be at peace.

Anyone that has been a parent in the last 20 years will tell you that if your child is constantly bullied at school they are not permitted to defend themselves because “we don’t tolerate violence”.

The problem is that the bully bullies everyone, every day, and nothing is done to that bully. I’ve had this discussion with a many principals,

teachers, and year coordinators over the years. It is always the same thing, “violence is never OK“. It seems that it is OK for the bully to terrorise all the kids he wants as long as those victims never defend themselves because in that case “violence is not OK“.

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Surviving Trauma

I read a quote that said something like;

“Trauma survivors crave honesty and authenticity.

We’ve had to fight for our ability to think clearly and know who we are.

We aren’t willing to engage with those who don’t honor that.”

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My Battle With Fear

If you don’t mind, I’d like to tell you a little story about my battle with the darkness of fear and depression.

It was so bad for me that depression, anxiety, and stress had taken complete control over me. This state lasted nearly a decade. I was suicidal for most of that time. I had always suffered from depression (40 years), but the last ten of those years were the worst.

It all started to change when I was riding my very powerful sports motorbike from Noosa to the Gold Coast. The ride was about 2.5 to 3 hours by freeway.

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Stress, Anxiety & Depression

There are three states we can find ourselves in – the past, the present, or the future.

(The following description is based on having negative thoughts, as having positive thoughts won’t normally be a problem.)

When we spend too much time in the future, we worry, this brings about some degree of stress and anxiety because we FEAR a potentially negative outcome. If we spend too much time in this state, our stress can be debilitating, and the repercussions can be lethal at the extreme. In the less extreme, being a worrier, or stressful, can give us a very unpleasant 20, 30, 40 or 50 years of life. Continuous and long term stress is a habit. Continue reading


Hi Guys, a lot of you have been asking me why I haven’t been active on the net lately.  There is a good reason for that.  I have just finished writing my second book about Stress and Anxiety.  I can’t share any more details about it yet because I’ve yet to publish it on Amazon.  This book will also be available on paperback, and will happen sometime before the end of January 2017, so please keep an eye out for it.  I promise you it will be very informative and easy to read and follow.

Taming Life _ Happiness Is Not a Myth will also be available on paperback later this month, or February some time. Continue reading

The Meaning Of Life Stuff


I am sure that we’ve all been through hard times.  At times we feel that life is against us, that perhaps God is against us!  We feel that maybe we have done something in this, or in a previous life, that has come back to bite us in the butt. We must be paying for past sins.  After all, we’re not bad people, right?  So why are we having such a hard time?

We can go years feeling like this.  For some people, it’s a lifetime of pain and misery.  But why?  We don’t know.  So we suffer in silence.  Sometimes not in silence.  We fight it every day.  We get angry, maybe bitter, stressed, depressed, then resigned, perpetuating our pain and suffering.  But why?

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Thoughts Have Power

Eighteen months ago I was homeless. I had no hopes, no job, no money, no resources…NOTHING.

One thing I did have though, was me, I had my mind, my thoughts. I didn’t allow myself to feel sorry for myself and drown in self pity. I was determined to change things for the better and to take steps so that this wouldn’t happen to me again. Continue reading

Living A Lie – Wearing A Mask

For seventeen years I lived a lie, though if you want to get technical, it was more like forty years.

When I was ten years old my family migrated from Chile to Australia.  That was in March of 1975.  That was when the lie really began. Continue reading

The Guy in the Glass – by Dale Wimbrow, (c) 1934

Many years ago I was fortunate enough to be shown this poem by and elderly public speaker I met.  I can’t remember his name as it was nearly thirty years ago, but I never forgot about this poem by Dale Wimbrow, written circa 1934, called The Guy In The Glass.  I hope you enjoy it. Continue reading

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