Eighteen months ago I was homeless. I had no hopes, no job, no money, no resources…NOTHING.

One thing I did have though, was me, I had my mind, my thoughts. I didn’t allow myself to feel sorry for myself and drown in self pity. I was determined to change things for the better and to take steps so that this wouldn’t happen to me again.

Today, it has been 17 months since I’ve been living in a very small apartment, a place with many issues. On the weekend we went looking for a house to rent. Three bedrooms, a front and back yard, a garage, and plenty space to move around in.

Today I’m free and happy.  Today I am the proud author of a book that at some point reached number one best seller status on Amazon. Today I also have the love of a kind hearted woman.

By spending my energy on the positives and on the steps required to take me out of the rut, I was able to think clearly and come up with solutions, rather than wasting my energy on just the problems and the negatives.

It is the attitudes that we choose to face life with that will determine the quality of life that we are going to experience. This doesn’t mean that the bad will magically disappear just because we chose to ignore it. It means that our attention will be focused on the positives and on creative endeavors, which by default will make our experience a more positive one. Don’t even get me started on the law of attraction in all of this.

Thoughts Have Power! – TTT

Number 1 Best Seller on Amazon Australia.

Tony Jarrah is an Australian author of a best selling book –  Taming Life – Happiness Is Not a Myth, which you can purchase from Amazon.

All rights reserved.  © 2015 Tony Jarrah